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Breast Treatment Side Effects


Early Reactions


  • Skin changes: redness, irritation, scaliness, blistering, ulceration, thickening, and hair loss in treatment area.

  • Breast changes including swelling, tightness or tendering.

  • Inflammation of the esophagus causing pain on swallowing, heartburn or sense of obstruction.

  • Lung inflammation with dry cough.

  • Inflammation of heart sac with chest pain and palpitations.


Late Reactions


  • Changes in skin texture and/or color, permanent hair loss in treatment area.

  • Breast changes including thickening, firmness, tenderness, shrinkage.

  • Swelling of arm.

  • Stiffness and discomfort in shoulder joint.

  • Rib or lung changes causing pain, fracture cough or shortness of breath.

  • BNerve entrapment or changes causing pain, loss of strength or feeling in arm.

  • Damage to heart muscle or arteries or heart sac leading to heart failure.



Breast Treatment Side Effects


Early Reactions



  • Skin changes: redness, irritation, scaliness, blistering, ulceration, thickening, and hair loss in treatment area.

  • Breast changes including swelling, tightness or tenderness.

  • Inflammation of the esophagus causing pain on swallowing, heartburn or sense of obstruction.

  • Lung inflammation with dry cough.

  • Inflammation of heart sac with chest pain and palpitations.


Late Reactions



  • Changes in skin texture and/or color, permanent hair loss in treatment area.

  • Breast changes including thickening, firmness, tenderness, shrinkage.

  • Swelling of arm.

  • Stiffness and discomfort in shoulder joint.

  • Rib or lung changes causing pain, fracture, cough or shortness of breath.

  • Nerve entrapment or changes causing pain, loss of strength or feeling in arm.

  • Damage to heart muscle or arteries or heart sac leading to heart failure.



Reacciones Tempranas


  • Cambios en lapiel; enrojecimiento, callosidad, ulceracion, cambio de color, engruesamiento, perdida de bello en el area afectada.

  • Cambios al pecho causando inflamacion, sensacion de Ia piel apretada, y

  • tierna.

  • Inflamacion del esofago causando dolor o inflamacion, acidez o sensacion de obstruccion

  • Inflammacion de los pulmones y dolor, fiebre y tos aspera (seca).

  • Inflamacion de la bolsa del corazon con dolor en el pecho y palpitaciones.


Reacciones Tardes


  • Cambios en la textura de la piel.  Perdida de cabello perrnanente en

  • el area tratada.

  • Carnbios en Ia sensacion del pecho incluso de engruesamiento, apretado, encogimi ento.

  • inchazon del brazo.

  • Tieso y molestia en el hombro.

  • Cambios en las costiilas o pulmones causando dolor, fractura, toz or

  • respiracion corta.

  • Danos a los nervios causando dolor, perdida de fuerza o sensibilidad en el brazo.

  • Danos en los musculos del corazon o arterias, o a Ia bolsa del corazon

  • conilevando a una falla al corazon.

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