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Disaster Medicine

Mark A. D’Andrea, MD, FACRO

Areas of Specialty in Disaster Medicine & Emergency Management

Mark A D'Andrea, MD is a physician in disaster medicine and has mastered the spectrum of knowledge and skills required in such a specialty. D'Andrea's clinical research, Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Benzene Following a Flaring Incident at British Petroleum Refinery in Texas City, is published in the American Journal of Disaster Medicine and has greatly influenced the diagnosis and treatment of the thousands of locals affected by the flaring incident in 2010.  

  • Medical Consequences of Disaster

  • Medical Contingency Planning

  • Medical Planning and Preparation

  • Medical Decontamination

  • Medical Implications of Disaster

  • Medical Response and Recovery

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Contact Us

To learn more about Dr D'Andrea, MD and his disaster medicine qualifications contact University Cancer Centers today.

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