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Extremities Treatment Side Effects


Early Reactions


  • Skin changes; redness, irritation, scaliness, blistering, ulceration, thickening, hair loss in treatment area.

  • Inflammation of soft tissue causing tenderness, swelling and interference with movement.

  • Inflammation of joints causing pain, swelling and limitation of joint motion


Late Reactions

  • Changes in skin texture and/or color, permanent hair loss in treatment area.

  • Scarring or shrinkage of soft tissues and muscles causing loss of flexibility and movement, swelling of the limb.

  • Nerve damage causing loss of strength, feeling or coordination.

  • Bone damage causing fracture.

  • Joint damage causing permanent stiffness, pain and arthritis.

  • Swelling of limb below the area treated.

Extremities Treatment Side Effects


Early Reactions


  • Skin changes: redness, irritation, scaliness, blistering, ulceration, thickening, hair loss in treatment area.

  • Inflammation of soft tissue causing tenderness, swelling and interference with movement.

  • Inflammation of joints causing pain, swelling and limitation of joint motion.



Late Reactions


  • Changes in skin texture and/or color, permanent hair loss in treatment area.

  • Scarring or shrinkage of soft tissues and muscles causing loss of flexibility and movement, swelling of the limb.

  • Nerve damage causing loss of strength, feeling or coordination.

  • Bone damage causing fracture.

  • Joint damage causing permanent stiffness, pain and arthritis.

  • Swelling of limb below the area treated.



Recciones Tempranas



  • Cambios en la piel: (seno) enrojecimiento, irritacion, ampollas, ardor, ulceracion, engrosamiento, perdida de bello en el area tratada.

  • Inflamacion en los tejidos suaves causando mucha sensibilidad, hinchazon y impedimento para moverse.

  • Inflamacion de los tejidos causando dolor, hinchazon al mover los tejidos.


Reacciones Tardes



  • Cambios en la textura de la piel o color, perdida de pelo en el area tratada.

  • Cicatrizes o disminucion de tamano en los tejidos suaves y musculos causando perdida de flexibilidad y movimiento. Hinchazon del miembro (seno)

  • Danos en los nervios causando perdida de fuerza y sensibilidad o coordinacion.

  • Danos en los huesos, causando fracturas.

  • Tejidos danados cuasando rigidez permanente, dolor y arthritis.

  • Hinchazon en la zona afectada por debajo del area tratada.

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