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Creativity Motivates Patients to Successfully Cope with Cancer


Cancer patients and survivors are fighting back against cancer using creative ammunition. It is a proven fact that the arts can stimulate both left and right brain activity, but how can the arts help someone who is suffering from breast cancer or leukemia?

Ongoing studies are proving that cancer patients who are inspired by creative arts like music therapy, dance, art therapy, and even writing have a higher chance of reducing anxiety and depression that is associated with their diagnosis. In some cases creative arts even helps reduce pain, allowing cancer patients to lead much more fulfilling lives. Cancer does not mean living in a world of shadows, and with creative therapy these patients can step into the light and accomplish something spectacular.

Depression is especially high in patients diagnosed with oropharyngeal, pancreatic, breast and lung cancers. Patients diagnosed with colon, gynecological and lymphoma cancers have a slightly reduced risk of depression, however anxiety is common in all diagnosis. Data collected by the National Comorbidity Survey suggests that in a 12 month period over 51% of cancer patients with depression are diagnosed with an additional anxiety disorder.

JAMA Internal Medicine has published results from research conducted on over 1,500 participants using creative therapy. They have concluded that creative therapy effectively and significantly reduced anxiety, depression and pain, increasing the quality of life for cancer patients post-treatment. Ongoing research is needed to assess the potential beneficial facts of treating cancer patients with creative therapy for depression and anxiety.

Creativity is such effective therapy, as Norman Cousins, author of “Anatomy of an Illness: As Perceived by the Patient” explains. “Anatomy of an Illness” is the first book published by a patient determined to take control of cancer and health using non-traditional methods. Collaborating with his physician, he was able to use creativity and humor and not let his disease define him.

The mind is a powerful tool, one we often times overlook. The human spirit can overcome incredible odds, through perseverance and tenacity. We just have to reach within ourselves to find the strength we didn’t know we had. Creative therapy is an outlet for emotions, and when combined with traditional treatments cancer patients have a much better chance at beating the disease.

Creativity gives cancer patients something that is essential when coping with such an overwhelming diagnosis – hope. There is no greater feeling in the world than hope of recovery when being diagnosed with any type of cancer and beginning treatment. Through extensive treatments like chemotherapy and radiation, hope is what keeps patients coming back to continue along the path to beating cancer and the road to recovery.

Cancer patients are refusing to let their diagnosis overpower them. With the innovative cures to cope with cancer like creative therapy these patients have found not only an outlet to express themselves, but have begun to build the armor necessary to defeat such a formidable opponent. Cancer is not, and will never be invincible, and with optimism for the future these patients can become survivors.

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