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Cancer: Awareness IS the Challenge

We’ve all heard about the “ice bucket” challenge to raise awareness for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Many of you have even participated in this challenge that raise awareness for the disease, more commonly known as “Lou Gehrig’s Disease”. We wholeheartedly support the movement to bring awareness to this disease, and have donated to the cause, but we also have another disease that we feel we need to bring more fully into the light.


While there are no foreseeable cancer awareness challenges involving ice hitting social media anytime soon, it is imperative that we spread the word about cancer awareness. Sure, there are walks and marathons scheduled throughout the year, but many focus solely on breast cancer. There are many types of cancer, and we need to spread the word.

This year alone over 500,000 Americans are expected to die from this disease. That’s MORE than 1,500 people a day. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the US, and people need to know more about it. How to prevent it, spot the symptoms and what treatments are available.

Cancer awareness is not just for those of us, or our family or friends who have gotten diagnosed with this disastrous disease. Cancer can strike anyone at any time, at any age and we need to be prepared. The Susan G. Komen Foundation has dedicated October as Breast Cancer Awareness month, and we dutifully wear our pink pins, but what about other types of cancer?

September is fast approaching, and we bet you didn’t know that not only is it National Ovarian and Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, but the last week in September is reserved for Take A Loved One to the Doctor Day. There are so many other cancers that September is dedicated to raising awareness for, such as childhood cancer, gynecologic, and thyroid cancer. We can’t forget about leukemia and lymphoma either. These cancers are just as deadly, and there are not enough months in the year to dedicate to just one cancer.

It’s time that we stop talking about cancer in hushed whispers or only during the month of October. We need to take charge of this devastating disease that can affect all parts of the body and bring awareness and prevention tips to the world.

Celebrities are doing their part, so why not do yours? Elizabeth Hurley, Minka Kelly and Christina Applegate are just a few on the many celebrities who are raising awareness on behalf of cancer. The list is endless. Cancer has touched many of our lives – a loved one, a co-worker or friend – we all know someone who has been diagnosed with some form of cancer at any given time.

While there are many causes to support and bring awareness to, we must not forget about cancer. Cancer awareness is more than just wearing a pin or donating to research, it is about becoming an advocate and making sure everyone is aware of this silent and deadly killer that is running rampant.

Become an advocate for cancer awareness and you may just change someone’s life. Spotting the early signs of cancer can help survivors get treatment as quickly as possible, and the chance of remission is much, much greater.

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Spread the word about cancer and become a hero today.

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