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Bottoms Up! A Healthier Lifestyles Is Just A Drink Away

Worrying about your nutrition is hard, especially for those of us who are constantly on the move. In such a modern world food is ready and waiting for us, without even having to leave the comfort of our own car. We often times choose convenience over nutrition, which for many is a grave mistake that can lead to obesity.

During the past few decades, the percentage of overweight adults and children has tripled. With the added weight come added risks when it comes to health. Obesity causes increased risk for cancer with the most common being breast, esophagus, colon and rectum, kidney, pancreas and more. The more you weigh the harder your body has to work to perform daily functions. Studies have proven that over 68% of Americans over the age of 20 are overweight.

The statistics for cancer in people who are overweight is staggering. Obesity had been linked to over 34,000 cancer diagnosis in men and a whopping 50,000 in women. Projections estimate that in 2030 obesity will lead to another 500,000 cases. Many physicians attribute this to the increased levels of insulin that may promote tumor development. Fat cells also have direct and indirect effects on tumor growth regulators. An altered immune system is most common in cases of obesity.

Documentaries like Super Size Me, directed and starring an American director who ate fast food from a popular chain for 30 days and documented the physical and psychological effects of daily fast food on the average person. In a month’s time eating nothing but fast food he gained a little over 24 pounds. He experienced several issues, and to lose the weight gained from this month-long journey it took him a little over a year.

What this tells us is that while fast food may be convenient, the havoc it wreaks on your body can cause major long term damage, and working to rid your body your body of such unhealthy fair is a lengthy process. Picking healthier options that are quick and easy to take along with you is a much healthier option that your body will thank you for.

Eating healthy doesn’t mean having to eat bland and boring foods. For those looking to make a big impact on diet while not spending a lot of time on it a smoothie is definitely the way to go. Fast, fresh and easy, smoothies are a big hit on both your nutrition and your wallet as many of them require ingredients that are fairly reasonably priced. After a run or morning workout, protein powder can even be added to your smoothie to give your body the boost it needs. Check out the recipe below for an amazing strawberry-melon smoothie.

Strawberry-Melon Smoothie:

Serves: 4

Prep time: 5 minutes

Cook time: 5 minutes


1 cup orange juice

1 cup cut-up cantaloupe

1 carton (8 oz.) nonfat plain yogurt

1 bag (10 oz.) frozen, unsweetened strawberries

In blender, puree orange juice with cantaloupe. Add remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Serve immediately.

Per serving: 93 calories, 1 g fat (0 g saturated fat), 21 g carbohydrate, 4 g protein, 2 g dietary fiber, 40 mg sodium

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