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But I Hate Pink! Fighting Breast Cancer Through Humor

During the month of October, we see a lot of “pinkwashing” EVERYWHERE. While we appreciate the thought behind the pink movement, what happens when you are a woman suffering from breast cancer and you hate pink? Meet Ann Silberman, a woman who not only hates the color pink, but also suffers from breast cancer. For the past 3 years Ann has undergone treatment as positively as she knows how, and with a humor that gives her the strength, love and respect she deserves. Her blog can be found here.

Ann’s story is like many others. She has been diagnosed with Stage IV cancer, and has lived the past 18 months knowing that her terminal cancer is fatal. She is a mother, a wife, and an inspiration to other women. She started her blog as a way to deal with her cancer and to find humor in something that is no laughing matter.

Why let a diagnosis define you? Ann encourages others diagnosed with breast cancer to reach out and talk to her, so they may find comfort in a situation where it is needed. In addition to her blog, she posts up her thoughts, her hopes, and her dreams. Her only real wish is to make it to her youngest son’s graduation, which as of today is 9 months away.

Her courage is truly inspiring, and we believe that her quality of life and attitude have attributed to her battling breast cancer for this long. She is active in the cancer world, and while she has an understanding of alternative treatments she has chosen to fight cancer HER way.

Ann is like many women, her family is her life, and there is no better job than being a mother. She has undergone a mastectomy, chemo and many other treatments which are chronicled in her blog. To find a woman who is so determined to fight cancer and not let it dictate her life is truly astounding. Reading some messages that others have posted on her blog has renewed our faith in the kindness of strangers.

The most riveting part of this blog is not only the humorous day to day musings of a woman who hates pink, but her blunt honestly that is refreshing. On her home page she has a “Wall of Shame” where she puts letters and requests asking her to sell items from businesses and companies that are looking to exploit the month of October and use pinkwashing to their own benefit.

October really is about saving lives, and over the years everyone has been caught up in the pink movement, so to see a woman living with terminal breast cancer and fighting for what she believes in is inspiring. For example, did you know that October 13th has been dubbed “No Bra Day” by an awareness organization in the UK in support of metastic women? Ann challenges the organization to donate money to research to help these women, instead of displaying a woman waving a bra and coming up with cheesy “set the tata’s free slogan.

We wish her the best and hope she gets to watch her son cross the stage this year.

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