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Eat to Beat Cancer: Fighting Through Food

It’s hard to maintain a healthy diet in today’s world. We are often too busy and look for quick fixes when it comes to meals. There is all too often a fast food restaurant within a stone’s throw from us. We need to remember that while fast food may be a quick fix, in the long run it is detrimental to our health. The pounds we pack on from these fast food joints not only take forever to lose, but also bring down our health and leave us open for cancer causing cells to rapidly multiply.

Practically the entire world (minus our lactose intolerant friends) enjoy a good slice of pizza. It’s filling and delicious, and we have a variety of pizza place numbers stored in our phones. With this zucchini-ricotta pizza recipe you’ll get your pizza fix – but feel way better about eating more than one slice.

Spinach is a cancer fighting superfood, and this recipe calls for lots of it. The flavor of the ricotta ties everything together nicely, helping you fight craving for pizza with a healthier option. There is no reason you can’t enjoy your favorite meals like pizza, you just have to make smarter choices when it comes to the food that you choose to nourish your body with.

This zucchini-ricotta pizza is easy to prepare, and can be done in just the amount of time it would take for the pizza delivery guy to make it to your house. A few basic ingredients, this dish is soon to be a fan favorite among your family members.

You’ll have the added peace of mind knowing that you are serving your family something they love, but with a healthy twist. Pizza has long been the dish that families go to for something quick and easy, and now you can put down the phone and make your own healthy version. Revamp game and movie nights with this delicious and savory meal that the whole family will enjoy. Pizza is a great dish, and with some healthy and hearty spinach, spinach and zucchini pizza will never be the same.

Enjoy our recipe for zucchini-ricotta pizza below.

Zucchini-Ricotta Pizza

Cook time: 15

Prep time: 20

Total time: 35-40



1 6-8 inch pizza crust or ½ recipe of our pizza dough

¾ cup ricotta cheese

salt and pepper, to taste

1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil

1 tablespoon, lemon juice

salt and pepper to taste

3 tablespoons pine nuts, toasted

¼ cup spinach

¼ cup zucchini, very thinly sliced


Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. On a parchment-lined baking sheet, par-bake the crust 5-6 minutes until the dough begins to firm up.

Mix ricotta with 2 teaspoons of olive oil and lemon juice. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

In a separate bowl, toss the zucchini slices in the remaining oil.

Remove the pizza crust from the oven and spread on seasoned ricotta. Scatter the spinach, sliced zucchini and the pine nuts over the top.

Bake the pizza another 4-5 minutes until edges of crust are crisp and the spinach wilted.

Slice and serve.

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