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Fighting Cancer with a Need to Read

Did you know that December is “Read a New Book” month? For cancer patients, survivors, and their families reading books is an excellent way to get in the right mindset to battle back against cancer.

Books like those listed on the American Cancer Society’s site can be found here and are excellent sources to find out more about your cancer and lists treatment options and recovery that you can review with your physician. This list also gives the reader a variety of cookbooks so they can discover healthy alternatives to dish favorites to control nausea, weight and maintain a healthier lifestyle. There are a plethora of nutritional guides and cookbooks available so cancer patients don’t have to sacrifice the recipes they love when they are already sacrificing so much. These cookbooks give patients and caregivers tips and suggestions for eating right that the whole family can enjoy. It is one step in the right direction when it comes to beating cancer. Many of these books also give exercise tips to help a patient stay strong.

Family caregivers are an essential part of treatment, so why not give them a book guiding them to cancer caregiving? One of the books recommended by the American Cancer Society gives these members insight into the crucial role they play in a patient’s treatment and recovery. It helps give caregivers a loose guide in dealing with something that can be challenging not just for the patient, but for the family. It gives tips and advice on how to best handle a situation, so these family members aren’t stumbling in the dark when it comes to caring for their loved one.

Books written by patients and survivors are also critical reads. They give the cancer patient hope, and the stories can uplift them and put them in a positive frame of mind, which can lead to a better quality of life. The more positive a patient is the better chance for survival. Dealing with the pain of cancer is something that a patient usually thinks they go through alone, but through the power of books they realize that they aren’t the only ones. That they too can have a second chance, and gives them the opportunity to read about what to expect during and after treatment.

Sometimes, these books can help educate patients and families on a specific cancer. Knowledge is a powerful tool in fighting cancer, and learning as much as you can about the cancer you have can help you battle back. Learning all you can and combining that knowledge with different treatment options tailored to each diagnosis can help get you on the road to recover faster.

Educating yourself helps you fight cancer on all fronts, and aids the body, mind and spirit in surviving. A cancer diagnosis doesn’t have to be deadly, and with the right attitude, doctors and treatments you can overcome it.

Pick up a good book, and get in the right mindset to fight back.

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