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Farewell to Stuart Scott

"You beat cancer by how you live, why you live, and in the manner in which you live."—Stuart Scott

ESPN longtime anchor and beloved public figure Stuart Scott succumbed to his battle with cancer this past Sunday. He is known for his many catchphrases and his distinctive style to the sports world. Never afraid to take chances, Scott was known for pushing the envelope and offering candid commentary. The phrase “Boo-Yah!” has made many smile because one thing about Scott – his enthusiasm for life and for his job was contagious. For a long time Scott remained private on the type of cancer he was fighting, which despite chemotherapy and other treatments kept recurring. In an article for Men’s Health Scott wrote that he had appendiceal cancer, a “very rare form” of the disease. He was only 49 when he passed away.

His quote about beating cancer by how you live serves as a mantra for patients and survivors, and shows them that you can fight back. Living life to the fullest and appreciating every moment is something that is hard, but with the right attitude your whole mindset can turn around.

Appendiceal cancer is indeed rare, affecting around 600 – 1,000 Americans each year. While not everyone has the same cancer as Scott many people can still benefit from the pure strength and attitude in which he lived life.

Each and every person affected by cancer can battle back by finding a reason to live and making the most of their lives, no matter how many years they have to live or by how many treatments they undergo. Scott was a man who lived each life to the fullest, and made a positive impact on those whose lives he touched.

Having cancer is hard, but letting it beat you down is harder. By following these few steps you can take one more step towards living life and beating cancer.

Have a good support system – having a good support system of trusted friends and family can help lift your spirits and give you the positive energy needed to move forward. Surround yourself with people who will celebrate your successes, and offer a shoulder to lean on when you feel overwhelmed.

Find fulfilling hobbies – make sure that you continue to do what you love to do. Picking up a new hobby is instrumental in living your life to the fullest. If you enjoy exercise, implement a new routine into your workout. If physical fitness isn’t your thing, take up crafts, or other creative outlets like painting or pottery. Find joy in the simple things in life.

Learn to love yourself – you are the most important person in your life. By learning to love yourself as is and taking pride in your life can help you lead a longer and much happier lifestyle. Attitude goes a long way and is essential to your survival.

With these tips you can surround yourself with positive energy and become a Stuart Scott in your own right by enveloping those around you in a positive embrace.

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