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Arugula and Avocado Breakfast Sandwich

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but many people often overlook it because they aren’t sure what to make, or think they have no time for it. A common misconception is that breakfast meals take long to create, and can take time away from your morning routine. There are several ways to make satisfying and nutritious breakfast meals on the go, many of which can be pre-made and stored. Grab-and-go options don’t take away from your morning routine, and actually add to it, giving you the nutrients needed to start the day off right.

Breakfast kick starts your metabolism, and gets your body in the mindset to eat small snacks throughout the day, instead of binge eating or overeating during lunch and dinner. Depriving your body of breakfast is one of the worst things a person who is determined to get healthy and fit can do to themselves. A breakfast sandwich made of healthy super foods can be a much better option than stopping by the local fast food restaurant before you start your day. Another reason this recipe is a great addition to your morning meals is that it gives you a break from eggs or egg whites, while still giving you the energy you need to conquer the day.

Make sure that you are starting the day off right. Create breakfast options that are quick and easy, and can motivate you to continue eating healthy throughout the day. A healthy way of live begins with you, and there is no reason why you can’t kick off a healthy routine full of positive energy. If you live in a larger household, teaching your family the importance of breakfast can help them not only to reap the benefits of such a nutritious meal, but turn breakfast time into a family affair.

Weekends are the best time to sit down to a healthy family breakfast, especially if it is one as delicious as the recipe provided. Breakfast doesn’t have to be complicated – and neither do you. Try our recipe for a heart healthy breakfast sandwich today.

Arugula and Avocado Breakfast Sandwich

Serves : 2

Prep Time: 15 minutes


¼ cup plain yogurt

1 lemon, zested and juiced

2 eggs

4 slices multigrain bread, toasted

1 cup arugula

1 avocado, peeled, pitted and sliced

1 tablespoon pepitas (optional)


In a small bowl, mix together yogurt, lemon juice, and lemon zest. Season with a pinch of salt and pepper.

Heat a greased non-stick pan on medium low heat. Crack and pour eggs into the pan. Cook until whites are set, flip and cook for 1 minute for a runny yolk, 3 minutes for a fully cooked yolk. Turn off the heat and let sit while assembling sandwich.

Place 2 slices of bread on 2 plates. Spread an even layer of the yogurt sauce over the toast. Top with a portion of arugula, avocado and egg, and pepitas if using. Top with another slice of bread. Cut the sandwich down the middle and serve.

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