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May is Cancer Research Month

Research is important. Without research, there would not be the treatments and methods there are today to help patients fight back against cancer. May is Cancer Research Month, and University Cancer Centers (UCC) is offering to help patients and families of those with cancer win their battles through any means possible. UCC offers qualifying patients access to clinical trials as treatment options.

Clinical trials are just one of the ways that we can help bring about change. UCC knows the importance of clinical trials, and is dedicated to helping match the right patient to the right trial to ensure they get the latest and most innovative treatments possible. Clinical trials are experimental, and could not reach the phase to be tested on patients without years of testing and researching new drugs and treatments beforehand. While these trials don’t necessarily guarantee a bill of clean health, what they do is they tell researchers what treatments and drugs are more successful than others, and how continued use could aid in the elimination of cancer over time. They also target different cancers, as no two are exactly the same. UCC is doing our part to help rid the world of cancer, and with research the sky is the limit.

UCC is dedicated to saving lives through prevention and early detection. When caught in its earliest stages, the chance for survival is much greater. Educating the public on what a dangerous diagnosis cancer is and how important it is to be screened on a regular basis can help slow cancer down, and maybe one day eliminate it entirely. Research education, advocacy and community outreach are important. It takes a village to overcome cancer, and together we will succeed.

We often forget that cancer is more than just one disease – it’s over 200. These different diseases require different approaches for treatment. Each cancer is different and not all treatments have been proven effective for all cancers, and in some cases treatments may simply stop working. We owe it to our fellow friends, family and neighbors who are suffering with a cancer diagnosis to find a cure. We can’t do this without research, and we can’t do it without the help of the community. Make sure that you are up-to-date on cancer treatments, and that you take the time to donate whenever you can to cancer research so that we can find the cure for the ages.

The American Association for Cancer Research is also dedicated to their Real Hope Is campaign, and hopes to enlighten lawmakers about the importance of funding for innovative and life-saving new treatments. By making monetary donations or spreading the word about the importance of cancer research you can take action and join in the millions of people who are dedicated to finding a way to impact the community by researching methods to eliminate cancer. Spread the word on social media by using the hashtags #NCRM15 and #RealHopeIs to help spread awareness on the importance of cancer research.

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