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Don’t Fry Day

Have plans for Memorial Day? The National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention wants you to kick off the summer season practicing sun safety and have declared the Friday before Memorial Day “Don’t Fry Day.” A clever twist on a traditional Friday No Fry Day focuses on encouraging everyone to be safe when it comes to the sun to prevent burns, and provide long-term education on the effects of skin cancer.

This May 22nd what will you be doing to spread awareness on sun safety? We’ve got some tips that will help you spread the word on preventing skin cancer. Skin cancer is a serious diagnosis, and has claimed the lives of millions. Prevention starts with education, and knowing just what skin cancer is – how it develops and how to prevent it. The truth is that one in every American dies from skin cancer every hour. If not caught in its earliest stages skin cancer can and will be deadly.

The American Cancer Society firmly stands behind their Slip! Slop! And Wrap campaign, which stands for Slip (on a shirt), Slop (on sunscreen), Slap (on a hat), and Wrap (when you’re outdoors). Did you know that most skin cancers are caused by overexposure to UV radiation? While we love the sun and everything it symbolizes – the start of summer, effortless tans, beachside parties – you can still have fun and enjoy summer while minimizing your risk of skin cancer.

What are some other things you can do to prevent skin cancer? Be protected – don’t risk overexposure to UV radiation because we’re here to tell you, it just isn’t worth it. You can also perform self-exams and make sure that you are on the look-out for any suspicious moles or skin irregularities. If you do see any, please make sure to make an appointment with your physician and get checked out right away.

Need more tips? Check these out.

  • Don’t tan or Burn

  • Seek Shade

  • Wear Sun-Protective Clothing

  • Apply Sunscreen

  • Use Caution Near Water, Snow and Sand

  • Get Vitamin D Safely

Be wise this summer season. Don’t let skin cancer be something that you have to worry about. The great thing about summer is that you can still enjoy the things you love about it – backyard BBQ’s, pool time and park picnics – just make sure you have your hat and your sunscreen handy.

Be an advocate for sun safety this summer. Take the time to learn more about skin cancer and tell your friends.

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