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National Cancer Survivors Day

This Sunday, June 7th we celebrate the heroes in our lives. National Cancer Survivors Day is a day where we can get together and celebrate those who have overcome and survived what is a devastating diagnosis. Thanks to innovative treatments like the ones offered at University Cancer Centers (UCC) there are more and more cancer survivors each and every year. National Cancer Survivors Day is a day where people across the nation can come together and be thankful for the advancements in medicine and the sheer force of will in which survivors have relied upon to beat cancer. No matter what age, race or gender it is a day of unity, and awareness.

It is also a day of inspiration for those who have been recently diagnosed. Being diagnosed with cancer can be scary and overwhelming, but National Cancer Day also gives hope to those who don’t know where or how to begin their battle. Having cancer doesn’t mean that you’ll never survive from it – it just means choosing a treatment facility that has your best interests at heart. UCC patients will tell you that from the moment they are diagnosed Dr. Mark D’Andrea and his team are right there answering questions and easing concerns. UCC gives tips and recipes and offers treatment facilities that are conveniently located to you.

Let’s come together this Sunday and support one another. National Cancer Survivors Day is a wonderful day, full of hope, and let’s not forget the families and friends of those survivors who have stood by their side from the very first moment. Survivors everywhere can come together through community events and social media to share their stories and offer helpful advice to everyone. Join in the celebration on by using the hashtag #NCSD2015. National Cancer Survivors Day isn’t just for survivors – everyone can find hope in their individual stories.

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