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National Men's Health Week

Since June is Men’s Health Month it’s only natural we take a week to celebrate Men’s Health. This June 15- 21st let that special man or men in your life know how much you care by raising awareness for men’s health issues and promote healthy lifestyle changes. Men’s Health Week ends with Father’s Day, June 21st so this year in addition to great Father’s day gifts think about planning an activity that keeps Dad and the whole family active.

Men can sometimes be stubborn and not want to visit a physician but this week it’s important to let them know that seeing a physician doesn’t make them any less of a man. If anything it highlights the fact that they are responsible, or in the case of young men, becoming responsible adults capable of knowing that health is important and taking matters into their own hands to make sure they are as healthy as possible.

Visiting a physician regularly can pinpoint any issues like high blood pressure or high cholesterol and gives them the opportunity to change their lifestyles before anything more serious arises. Seeking regular medical advice and early treatment for diseases and injury can save lives and ultimately help families as a whole stay intact and become more health conscious.

Become involved today. Raise awareness for Men’s Health Week by taking part in activities that have been planned in your city, wear blue to these events as a way to show solidarity and use social media to let your friends and family know that you think Men’s Health Week is important and encourage others to do that same. There are tons of mini health fairs and awareness fundraisers that you can participate in to generate even more awareness for Men’s Health Week. Men’s health is a family issue.

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