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Men's Health: Stress Less

Men are susceptible to stress like the rest of us. Stress is a factor that if we let get out of hand can lead to larger health problems like diabetes, high cholesterol and even cancer. Stress has been proven to weaken the immune system, which is the body's defense against diseases and infections.

So where does stress come from? Stress can come from anxiety that is triggered by a variety of different factors. These factors can include home or work life, and anything in general that puts too much pressure on us. Stress can even be caused by men themselves, over worrying about the day-to-day activities in their lives.

If we help men learn how to effectively cope with stress and keep it in check we would all be better for it. Even though it's Men's Health Month stress is one of those things that affects everyone, so keeping these simple tips handy when the pressure gets to be too much can be a big help in fighting stress.

  • Time: Introduce a better time management system into your life. Often times we are running around trying to balance everything that we forget that there are only so many hours in the day. Create a priority list and work off of that. Be sure to schedule in breaks, and remember - what doesn't get done today can always get done tomorrow.

  • Unhealthy habits: Make small changes towards a healthier lifestyle. Don't do it all at once, otherwise you risk shocking your body and going back to your old, unhealthy ways. Start small by swapping out certain foods, or getting a little bit of exercise into your daily routine.

  • Know your limitations: Don't overpromise and under deliver. Know your limitations - and know it's ok to say no. You may take on too much hoping to please everyone, but ultimately you are the one who suffers.

Keeping these tips in mind and avoiding any unnecessary conflict is a great way to keep stress levels down and keep the men in your life healthy.

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