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Celebrity Cancer Survivors

Cancer doesn’t care what age, race or gender you are – it can strike anyone at any time. There are preventative measures that can be taken to ensure that you live a cancer-free life, but it is important to remember that even celebrities are not immune to cancer. There have been several of our favorite celebrities that have fought (and won) their battles with cancer and have become advocates in the war against cancer.

We take a look at some of the celebrities who want you to know that you aren’t alone.

Sheryl Crow

A Grammy-winning singer and songwriter Crow discovered she had breast cancer during a routine mammogram. She underwent surgery and six weeks of radiation to become one of the most outspoken breast cancer survivors. By campaigning and raising awareness for the importance of annual mammograms she has helped thousands catch breast cancer in its earliest stages when it is most treatable.

Sharon Osbourne

Love her or hate her, the loud and outspoken Osborne matriarch and wife to legend Ozzy Osbourne was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2002. She has since undergone a preventative double mastectomy in 2012 after discovering she carried the gene for breast cancer. After surviving colon cancer she told many reporters, “I’ve had cancer before and I didn’t want to live under that cloud. I decided to just take everything off.”

Hugh Jackman

Wolverine, as he is known to many of his fans has fought and won his own battle with skin cancer. The megastar noticed a spot on his nose, and after dismissing it as an injury he got onset his wife finally convinced him to visit a doctor. The diagnosis? Basal cell carcinoma, one of three types of skin cancer. Jackman attributes the diagnosis to the fact that he never wore sunscreen. He has since gotten all four skin cancers removed and launched a line of sunscreen for kids called Pure Sun Defense. His goal is to raise awareness on how sun exposure can lead to serious complications and now goes to the doctor every three months for checkups. According to him, “it’s the new normal for me.”

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